Our Mission Statement

We believe in taking an active role in creating the life we want to live, and then being Fully Present to experience that life in the moment: what we call CONSCIOUS LIVING. We see the Arts, and the artists that create them, as the heralds of where we are going and what We Can Be.

BlueskyOpenroad.com, then, is a Site promoting Conscious Living as a vehicle for learning, change and growth. BlueskyOpenroad.com was created because we believe that “the Whole can be greater than the sum of the parts”.  All of us taking this Path together create a virtual Community where effective change becomes a real possibility. Together we can have more of an impact than any of us can alone.

BlueSkyOpenRoad.com, then, is a Place of living in this Moment, where people can come together and exchange ideas, goods, and services as they share experience on The Road. Everyone coming to BlueskyOpenroad has decided to actually participate in the Dance of Life instead of watching it from his or her easy chair.  BlueskyOpenroad.com is made up of an e-Community of artists, healers, teachers and visionaries who combine their talents and resources to maintain a Space where the above Vision is possible.

By joining us in BlueskyOpenroad, you are joining a Community dedicated to evolution through Personal Growth, Community and Shared Internet Costs and Facilities for Prosperity and Advancement.

Through the years we have created vehicles and then broken them off toself-supporting entities. From 2005 thru 2008 BlueskyOpenroad was an e-Magazine with a Mall of Shops containing products and services written about in the magazine.  The Calendars section lists classes, events, gigs and openings of the different member artists, teachers, healers and performers. BlueskyOpenroad Promotional Services and Business Services design the needed print and web materials for member promotion.

Art, Health and Motion are the vehicles for change.